Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Drift In The Snow

So the picture of the car in the snow is a snow drift I did for fun in the snow. Drifting is a driving technique that have been around for years and This can be demonstrated by you the driver intentionally over steering, causing loss of traction in the rear wheels through turns, while maintaining vehicle control and a high exit speed. As you have probably seen the movie Fast and the Furious as where a lot of drifting takes place through out the film. The steps are simple.
Basically your main point is to make sure if you do this on the street, be aware of your surroundings.

1 Set your speed ( I usually do 30-40 mph)
2. Counter steer by while pulling up the hand brake

Only a few simple steps to go by. However I may share a few other tricks. It's fun and amazing. Rule number one just don't get caught by the nice police officers.

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